white fear


these are all words used when associated with the color white. white although as basic as they come, is a color that most of us fear when it comes to picking out and purchasing clothing. white, the original canvas for color, is also one of the most intimidating hues of the wide rainbow spectrum.
the bleakness and plainness of the color, although bland, is indeed a color that stands out. the brightness and boldness of the color can be eye catching and a focal point at times, which in turn makes white a shy away color.
most people refuse to wear white for personal reasons such as, size, skin tone, lack of options, fear of staining, and of course the theory of "NOT wearing white after Labor Day". all of these reasons, although in my own opinion SHOULD NEVER be bounds for straying away from such a power color, keep us away from selecting certain pieces or full outfits because of that little voice in our heads, that convince us otherwise. rather than seeing the color as a blank canvas, where you can add and create your own look, we tend to just eliminate any thoughts of positive what if's.
white fabric has been around for centuries, and is one of the most used colors ever. as far back as books can document, women not only wore white undergarments but also at times in full attire. times have obviously changed drastically as far as the access to options of colors and styles to wear, there are more places to shop whether it be online or in-store, and lets not forget the freedom of being able to wear whatever you please, white or not, the choice is now completely ours, where as in the past such options were extremely limited or just didn't even exist. my have we evolved!
white shouldn't be just thought of as plain, but rather full of possibilities.
take this blog, it literally started out as a white backdrop with a cursor awaiting my content. a white page with nothing to show for it but its obvious space and color, but now it's filled with ideas, pictures, colors- design & style. it was nothing until i made it into something. my white page for you can be those white skinny jeans your dying to wear one of these summers, or those all white kicks you've been dreaming about but were too scared to buy. fear is the #1 confidence killer, being fearful of things you can actually control is like giving back your power. fearful about wearing white because your clumsy and worried that you'll get a stain somewhere, somehow...so what...that's what they make soap and water for, and even if your unsure of how to properly launder your white garments luckily for us most clothing comes with laundering instructions on one of the tags, and even if not we all know that detergent and Shout works great (for most materials,NOT all), either way there are so many ways to get out any stain including wine and blood. for all of my "im too dark, im too light, im too skinny, im too fat, im too old, i cant pull it off" skeptics .. stop it...please..i am here to tell you Queen, there are no restrictions on colors, people have given things that don't need restrictions, these unofficial official by-laws of what people should and shouldn't wear, and it's all based on OPINION. so, while the world continues to influence through closed-minded gimmicks, i am here to do otherwise. your skin tone WILL look great in that white Queen!
slim thick or curvy, your body type IS the type that can wear white!
young or old, colors are ageless wear 'em all white, black, neon, purple, hell even clear!
it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it. let your confidence project through, and you'll automatically own it.

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