Motivational Mondays
Mondays... are usually rough. I mean if you really think about it, there are million dollar businesses that profit off of the disdain of Mondays.
coffee mugs
phone cases
you name it, they got it.
heck, even Garfield hated Mondays.
Monday has never been a day in the week that i disliked
it was more so of a sad feeling like the weekend has come to an end or party time is over ..
but Monday is a day i still appreciated
the beginning of a new week and a chance to kill it.
for me, it was just nerve racking trying to figure out what I'm going to wear for the upcoming days. being who I am (a fashion stylist), it became a big deal of what i was going to wear to represent myself. see the thing about me is.. its all fun and naturally easy for me to style a client, but when it comes to me styling myself i can be a little difficult.. with myself. but also to combat that, i never stick to just one style I'm super versatile and love to dive into new trends and styles, that's where the difficulty lies because I'm never to sure what i want to wear and what i want to portray to the world.
my outfits come with back stories (mostly due to my theatre dramatic), when i dress i create them based on emotion and style.
its art in the making
i find the thrill in NOT knowing and having lots of options.
the more you have.. the more creative you can be
now don't misquote me I'm not saying go out and spend massive amounts on clothing
there's actually ways around that, and i will discuss that Thursday on how to save tons on your fave brands and still be amazingly fashionable and not broke!
ladies...i get it i love clothing.. hence me being a Stylist but looking sharp doesn't have to hurt your
check out some of these looks thats didn't break the bank and still gave life
styled by: me Ke'Rihanna Fuentes theStylist
shopped by: Ke'Rihanna Fuentes theStylist
creative vision by: Ke'Rihanna Fuentes theStylist
photo cred:
Forest Fairy @Forever21 Tri-Color Faux Fur $20 CAPE ROBIN stilettos - Thrifted $8 @Claire's Iridescent Clutch $10 Top,Denim, Scarf - Thrifted $2.75 |
Rude Rue i actually wore this for birthday a few weeks ago @Rue21 entire outfit (minus fanny pack Thrifted- $1) Pants- $7 Shoes- $9 Top- $5 Shades at any Hairstore lol $5.99 |
Brooklyn Girl @Reebok Classics - Thrifted $16 Vintage Patchwork Denim - Thrifted (unbelievable $) Vacay in Myrtle Beach Top- $2 BOSS Dad Hat- NYC $4 |
Black Mamba @Fenty Black Velvet Bag came with Purchase @BetseyJohnson Grey Faux Faur - Thrifted $30 Acid Grey/Black Knit Dress - Thrifted $8 |
Mondays are what you make it
I've chosen to inspire the world through my craft daily by way of fashion and style.
every ones depiction of perfection is different
however true perfection can never be attained. all we can do as living creatures is live our best life and be amazing at it.
so whether it be teaching, retail, entrepreneurship, fashion or even if you're still trying to figure it out
its OK
that's what Mondays are made for, starting fresh.
take each day by storm, and being grateful for another day given to accomplish it.
whatever it might be
be your best you
-Ke'Rihanna Fuentes theStylist