Designed for you...

Fashion Fellatios conFessions
OuterStyle vs InnerStyle

  This segment of the Blog I've opted to be transparent,  as far as honesty and real life opinions of myself. As a Fashion Stylist and Shopper presentation of oneself is crucial and extremely important. I am also a firm believer of looking the part of what you want or already are. I absolutely love fashion and clothes always have and always will. For me, looking the way i envisioned myself or like a magazine editorial or hot off the runway is not for attention or compliments ...nope not at all I seriously and wholeheartedly do this shit for me. My love for fashion is really in the clothes itself, the construction or style of it, the fabric, the history or back story of it, and of course the color. Clothes speak to me, and nooooo don't be so quick to throw me in the looney bin...when I say they speak to me it's more of a feeling rather then I don't hear voices from a Zara jumper saying "buy me K'...come on u know u want me"... no it's more of a love at first sight feeling, it has to stand out to me in some type of way, and as a result if it fits the "K.Fuentes wow factor"... theeeeennnn I'm probably gonna buy it. I'm just being honest...and I know there are a lot of women out there who shop within those same parameters. I will always pick style over brand...

So more recently I have been coming into contact with more higher end fashion 3rd and 4th tier brands, as a result I am learning quality and value (obviously), my fashion and branding knowledge is becoming more and more well rounded the more and more I encounter these brands. With that being said, I can honestly say that I have definitely updated my Minimalist Closet since that last article. As far as my style, it has changed based upon what I have been privy to, so with the exposure of more and more styles and the accessibility of it all has literally created a different version of K.Fuentes, who is shall i dare say, more current and on-trend. I have upgraded my jewelry selection as well,  to mostly silver especially with rings (which is my newest obsession) layering and stacking or mostly wearing a ring/rings on all fingers. Yup...that's a fav thing for me to do now. No more rings or jewelry that will turn and tarnish or will turn my skin green 😌

..although this might all sound like great news and a more in depth learning experience which of course it is.... I have felt the shift of knowledge reflect on my personal style and brand appreciation.  Its as if i have upgraded my style and preferences to accommodate my change. Its crazy how a little information and education can alter your whole perception of what you already know or think you know. The evolution of my personal style has definitely been a noticeable change,  partly because I have been putting on a little weight (yaaay me) and because of where I work and currently live... New York City by way of Brooklyn. The style here is so creative and bold, and also very accessible like I stated earlier, that it makes it damn near impossible to NOT get caught up in the awesomeness of shopping and what's trending. The competition of who retailer has the best items at the best price is a huge factor as well and due to the supply and demand there is always someone who has it cheaper which makes it more accessible and affordable. New York City the Fashion Capital of the world, everyday there's a new style trend or brand popping up and becoming popular. The City where fashion lovers of all aspects of the genre can thrive in abundance of knowledge and resources.

...since I've moved back from Atlanta to New York,  the constant exposure to retail shopping, fashion design, merchandising and pricing along with daily hands-on interactions has allowed me to expand my overall fashion repertoire. As a fashion stylist,  shopper and blogger this is just a requirement in leveling up and becoming even more well rounded and experienced.
The fact of the matter is knowledge is key...the more I know the better equipped I'll be for my future clientele when assisting with fashion and style inquiries and work opportunities. I'm just literally trying to live my dream. Fashion and clothes are the highlight of life for me, its beauty and the creativity of those who made it are just a few things that draw me to it.

Every one's journey is designed completely different from the next, finding what makes you happy and going for it...truly makes life worth while. Accepting the change that comes with it, will be enlightening, informative, dramatic, helpful, honest and impactful in some form or fashion. I have said out loud and in prayer that i WILL be a famed entrepreneur,and i knew that it would be in something that i had actually loved to do or was already naturally talented in. My belief in myself and my purpose increases with time and experience, and as a result my confidence and validation continues to rise. Luckily for me I am doing what I love and am constantly learning in the process all while gaining organic hands on experience with mostly all types of fashion.  New York City houses so many styles and brands that its almost literally impossible to keep up and because Brooklyn is changing so fast the culture diversity is so huge and apparent that I get to see international brands as well which furthers my knowledge.  What  better way to learn then from doing?!

Anyways this journey that i have been on began in April and we are now 3 days shy of September... so whats that about 6 months... wow 6 months. Crazy how time flies... any who my personal journey definitely has found a way to merge with my styling/ fashion persona. Although, 6 months has passed , for me, i feel like only half of that time has passed so to say or even type 6 months is eye grabbing for me. It forces me to put things in perspective to see growth, change and accomplishments all while accepting everything in between "the good, the bad, and the ugly". Life was not created to be easy in any form or fashion...its how you alter, hem, and design your blueprint/ sketch is what contributes to the "easy", finding solutions to to the rips, tears and holes in your life, re-creating or revising your original sketch to fit the moment or new found journey, adding/ taking away from "your" design ..all are things we do as Head Designer of our lives in attempt to make life worthwhile. Life is like fashion in so many ways, one day you're in and the next... you're out!

For me, I am constantly erasing, recreating, revising, and altering my lifes design...for me life can always be altered to fit your liking and purpose. Regardless of age or circumstance i truly believe you create a life for yourself that you truly desire. I'm in the process of doing that right now, What's required of me is consistency, openness, creativity, perseverance, and most of all PATIENCE! and even with knowing all that is required, i still struggle. As a human, it tends to get hard and overwhelming with emotions and thoughts when you sometimes can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Staying hopeful and positive is detrimental to making your dream come true, which means NO self doubt, NO negativity, NO half-assness, and most importantly NO giving up. Realizing your growth and accepting change as it comes also plays a huge part in how things turn out as well, and taking a step into Faith and trying new approaches and ideas can not only serve as new experiences but also as a stepping stone towards the overall picture.

..Even in my 31 years of life, i am still learning and grasping this thing called life and my own personal journey, by taking it one day at a time and realizing when doors are being opened for me as well as when it is time to close can be hard, confusing, stressful, and draining but also in the same breathe it can be exciting, revitalizing, rewarding, and necessary! 

So... i say this all to say i will be taking a 1 month hiatus. Not because i feel unappreciated, or unnoticed or anything like that. Nope not at all... this break has to do with me providing you the fans/ audience with quality eye catching reader worthy mind blowing content, and not just fillers. I want to reBoot my blog for video and audio interviews as well as highlight local and up & coming artist and designers in the Fashion World who are doing their thang! I want my blog to become more interactive and desirable to the point where i am receiving constant feedback and comments and interactions with you the reader! So in order to do that i need to back back and regroup, its not me giving up NO NOT AT ALL, but it's me putting a pause on things so that I can deliver more of an experience to you...

There are things in life that are created specifically for you...and for you only.

What's meant for you, will be. Your life and purpose has been created before you even took your first breathe, so once you have found your passion- you have found your purpose! 

So to all my Fashion Fellatio Fans, i thank you soooo much for all of your reposting, sharing, and inspirational feedback and suggestions. My promise is to come back better then ever...

                                                      See You Soon Fashion Hoggz
K.Fuentes theStylist


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